February 2, 2011

Installing Apache Active MQ on Ubuntu

After creating a Sales Demonstration system for an industry trade show using Ubuntu 10.10, I decided to create a personal development system based on one of my personal favorite free operating systems, Ubuntu. An old laptop was pressed into service as a meager server on which I could refresh my admin skills and provide a target for testing prototype concepts rambling around my brain. One of the first services this little laptop will host is Apache Active MQ 5.4.2 which was released December of 2010. (Authors Note: This article has been updated to support Ubuntu 11 and ActiveMQ 5.5)

Although Ubuntu has a large collection of software available in many repositories, there is no way, currently, to perform an apt-get for Active MQ. It has to be installed by hand. Fortunately, this is a relatively simple matter. There are a couple of stumbling blocks which prevented a smooth install for me so I thought this article might help others avoid them. Continue reading...

January 13, 2011

Installing Sun Java on Ubuntu

It can be easy to forget how to install the "real" Java on a Debian system. There is that one command which seems to trip many people up.

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September 23, 2010

Rigor and Formality

Of all the engineering disciplines, Software Engineering seems to have the least amount of guiding scientific principles and universally accepted methods. It remains as much a psychological / sociological practice as it is technological. The reason for this stems from the fact that Software Engineering is still primarily a creative activity as opposed to a mathematical (i.e. formal) process.

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This is a low frequency blog on implementing SOA designs using message brokering. It is a list of practical tips developed over several years deploying service oriented systems for targeted and mass deployments in the telecommunications carrier and electric utility markets.

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